To contact the Larrikin Mis-Management team please email them, if it is urgent then feel free to telephone.

Rember these are volunteer positions, so try to be nice!

PositionEmailHash HandleGiven NamePhone
Grand Mastergm@larrikins.orgBeJesusGeorge Blackwood0416 149 368
Religious Advisorra@larrikins.orgAfterbirthTerry Ryan0411 701 877
Hash Cash hc@larrikins.orgMother FPhillip Joy0417 669 173
Trail Mastertm@larrikins.orgSunbeamPeter Talbot0403 075 005
Hare Raiserhr@larrikins.orgFranklyFiona Hill0425 211 766
Scribesc@larrikins.orgFetchitNigel Bland0411 644 193
Beer Meisterbm@larrikins.orgColonoscopyReg Caldwell0439 665 616