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Who are the Sydney Larrikins?

Sydney Larrikins are a Runnng Club with a Drinking Problem. Established in 1979 we meet for a run every Tuesday at 6:30pm SHARP!

Sydney South Harbour Hash House Harriers

Sydney’s Larrikin Hash is also known as Sydney South Harbour Hash House Harriers (S2H4).

We are a drinking club with a running problem!

As one of the oldest hash clubs in Sydney, the Larrikins have been laying trails since their first run in February 1979. True to tradition, they’ve continued running every Tuesday evening, rain, hail, or shine – even throughout the COVID pandemic.

As a mixed adult hash we welcomes everyone, preferrable over 18.

The Sydney Larrikins are a dog friendly Hash.

The run kicks off at 6:30 pm sharp, and you can trust that your belongings will be safely looked after whilst you are out running.

Find us on Facebook or Strava

See you next Tuesday.