Run No.: 2409

At : Longaville

ON Inn The Diddy

Hare : Tripod

Larrikins Hash House Harriers Run 2409 17th September, 2024

It all started a week or so before when I (Tripod) got an SMS from our esteemed GM asking if I could swap my run on some unknown December date for The GM’s run on September 17.

Ther was some vague reason as he was working in Nowra for a month so I assumed he would be in Nowra for a month, as it turns out he is only down there for a few hours a day for a couple of days a week….WORK! I don’t think so, sounds like a bit of a jolly on government money.

Any how, I agreed, but at such short notice I didn’t have time to recce too far afield so opted for the close to home option. As most of my previous runs have been accompanied by torrential rain I expected the worst, but the day started off clear blue and although I looked at the sky every few minutes, no cloud appeared.

With clear skies I still waited until late in the day to lay trail. I can only assume that the weather god didn’t realise that the hare had changed and it wasn’t BeJesus setting the run, no rain and a beautiful Full Moon (almost)

A very good turnout for the Sydney Larrikins (they probably didn’t realise it wasn’t BeJesus either) and about 25 runners and walkers set off on the trail. Through part of Northwood, down to Kelly’s Esplanade and along the edge of Woodford Bay, up a small incline and down the Longueville Peninsula meandering back to Central Park.

Front runners in by 7:25 and walkers in just after. Venerable running so fast he overshot the trail and appeared later. A very short circle due to kitchen closure hours at the Diddy, a score of (9.5 or 10.0) from MeKnob, couple of visitors/old returner Saltpetre and Anna and into the Diddy where most appeared to be well sated with pizzas, beer and red wine.

I had a good night, don’t know about anybody else and don’t care.

